segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012

[ ROM ] Milestone 1 | HO!NO! Mod CM7.2.0-RC0 ICS Edition

Change log for 7.2.0-RC0-ICS Edition 

Rom é agora ODEX.
Removido arquivo de controle 97oom.
Removido script de basebrand (agora você pode alternar baseband diretamente de configurações mm.
Atualização hospeda proteção de arquivos.
Substituido tiwlan_drv.ko, boot.img e adicionado cust.img com um de Froyo realese
Remova alguns ringtones (precisar de algum espaço).
wifi.supplicant_scan_interval agora foi de 180 120.
mot.proximity.delay foi de 150 250 agora.
Apk Removido a partir de dados folder = FriendCaster, IntelSoftApps, Launcher ICS.
Apk taked a partir de dados e se mudou para a pasta do sistema (razão agora ODEX) = AndroidTerm, CMStats, DSPManager, FileManager, GenieWidget,
LiveWallpapers e MagicSmokeWallpapers e PersonalPortal, Protips, SoundRecorder, Tocha, VoiceDialer.
Apk adicionado na pasta de dados = Facebook, Google Maps, Google +, Kickback, Soundback, Talkback.
Apk updated = Google Voice, Google Quick Search Box, Ice Cream Sandwich (Tema Para o  launcher).
Nadlabak Fallow mudar até 2012/02/08.

Download GAPPS:
Download ROM:

Melhor Performance !

In settings-cyanogenmod-performance-CPU settings
governors =INTERACTIVE
minCPU =250 MHz
maxCPU =1000 MHz
Max screen off CPU freq = 400 MHz
Max car dock CPU freq = 550 MHz
Set on boot =on

In settings-cyanogenmod-performance
jit =on
surface dithering =off
16bit transparency = on
allow purging.. =on
lock home... =off
lock messaging... =on
GMAPS hack = on
vm heap=24m

In settings-cyanogenmod-display-Automatic backlight
Enable =on
Window length =30 s
Reset threshold =400 lux
Sample interval =5 s
Use custom =on
Screen dim level =18
Allow light decrease =on
Decrease hysteresis =50 %

In settings-cyanogenmod-display
Rotate 180 degrees =off
Screen-on animation =off
Screen-off animation =on
Keep display off on plug =off
In Settings-Display
Brightness =automatic
Auto-rotate screen =on
Animation =All animations
Screen timeout =30 seconds

In Spare Parts
Windows animations =fast
Transition animations =fast
Fancy input animations =off
Haptic feedback =on
Compatibility Mode =on

In launcherPro settings-general settings
Keep in memory =off
Motorola Droid hack =off

In launcherPro settings-Homescreen settings
Number of screens =5
Default screen =3
Transition effect = none

In launcherPro settings-Dock settings
Number of docks =1

In launcherPro settings-advanced settings-Memory usage settings
memory usage preset =High
homescreen caches=on
homescreen cache type=Normal
build cache as needed=off
Clear cache on exit =off
Prevent force-closes=off

In launcherPro settings-advanced settings
High quality scrolling =off
Minimum scrolling speed =60
Use 3D drawer =off
Opening speed =6
Opening speed =6

In Toggle2G - settings
Auto Manage 2G/3G = on
Manually Activate 3G = off
2G When Sleep = on
Sleep Delay = 2 min
2G When WiFi Enabled = on
No 2G When Network Use = on
Switch when charging = on
2G Network = GSM auto (PRL)(2G/3G)
3G Network = GSM auto (PRL)(2G/3G)

In Browser - More - settings
Enable plug-ins = On demand

In Google+ - settings
Instant Upload = off


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